Midlands Animal Rescue Ream is a registered charity & as such we do not receive any official funding.
We rely on the generosity of the general public, adoption fees & the Charity Shop to generate enough income to continue our work.
Vets bills cost many of thousands of pounds each year not to mention the food, litter & equipment that our rescues require.
Donations to MART are always very much appreciated no matter how large or small.
If your donation is for a specific reason, please remember to add a note before completing your payment so that we know where you wish your money to be allocated.

Membership cost just £10 per year. You will receive our regular newsletter (4 editions per year) & you will be eligible to vote at our Annual General Meetings.
Once again you can join using the PayPal option or you can contact our Secretary, Eileen on 0121 358 0251.
If you are paying for your membership via paypal, please remember to add a note before completing your payment so that we know where you wish your money to be allocated.
We have recently joined forces with Agria Pet Insurance & are happy to announce that each cat or dog adopted from Midlands Animal Rescue Team comes with 5 Weeks Free pet insurance - whatever their age!
We believe this is an invaluable addition to our homing package & brings us in line with other larger rescue organisations.
An unexpected bonus for our charity is that Agria will give a donation to MART when a new owner extends their policy.
In addition we will also receive a donation should you choose to take out a policy via the link above or by quoting our ref. number 19000