Frequently asked questions
Q; Is the charity shop open?
A; Because government advice changes at short notice, we would say if you are making a purpose journey to the shop, please call ahead to make sure the shop is open, our new normal opening times are Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays 11am til 3pm.
Our charity shop address is 122a Castlecroft Road Wolverhampton WV3 8LU Tel;07528 299614
Q; I’m thinking of adopting can I just pop in to see what rescues you have?
A; We do not have a sanctuary/centre for the public to visit, we are all volunteers who foster from our own homes. If you are interested in adoption please keep an eye on our website & Facebook page, where you will find information on most of the pets in our care. You will also find information regarding our adoption procedures and the phone number you should call for the pet(s) you are interested in.
Q; Can I apply to adopt via email/on line form/message?
A; No, we begin all potential adoption with a telephone conversation. Please be sure to call the number listed for the rescue you are interested in so as not to loose any time.
Q; Do you neuter and vaccinate your rescues?
A; All rescues that are in our care and are old enough, will be neutered before they leave us.
Kittens that are too young to be neutered before they leave us (i.e aprox 4 ½ months of age) will need to neutered by their new owners vet and at their own expense. We issue neutering declaration forms, which will need to be completed by your vet at the time of neutering and returned to us promptly. Owners who fail to routinely neuter their kittens take the risk of us reclaiming our rescues due to breech of contract.
Q; Do you do dog rescue?
A; In theory yes, but we only have one foster home who is able to take in puppies and small dogs that are cat/dog friendly. We may have more dog fosterers in the future but currently we are rarely asked to take dogs that are not aggressive.
Q; There’s a stray cat hanging around, can you take it?
A; Firstly just because a cat is hanging around doesn’t automatically make it a stray, having your local vets check for a chip is the first step, if the cat has no chip you should fit a temporary collar made of elastic (available at supermarkets at the end of the isle) with the message “if this is your cat please call 07.……..”
If after a week you have not had a call but the collar is still in place then it’s probably safe to assume the cat is stray and at that point we will add the cat to out waiting list.
If you are not able to get near the cat and it looks sick, injured or pregnant then we will try to help quickly if we have the space. Feral/wild cats will have to returned to your area after they have been neutered because we will not be able to re-home them.
Q; I can’t keep my pet any more, can you take it?
A; We have a long list of cats waiting to come into care, the ones that tend to make it to the top of the list are the strays that are sick, injured, pregnant or the very young and vulnerable. Occasionally an owned pet may make it to the top of out list so it’s always worth giving us your details just in case.
We have very limited places for dogs but please call us to see if we can help.
Q; I’m thinking of fostering, what does it involve?
A; Fostering is incredibly rewarding but it’s not for everyone. Because most of us here at MART work full time, we need all our foster homes to be pretty self sufficient. Fosterers need to be able to drive in order to collect their rescues (sometimes directly from source), do vet runs and home checks etc. Cat fosterers will need a suitable room in which to foster which is separate from their own animals to prevent stress and the transmission of infectious disease.
Taking photos and being able to send them is also important as is having a little time to spend with your rescue, plus the support of everyone in the household.
Please see our dedicated page for a full list of things to think about before becoming a fosterer
Q; I’d like to volunteer, how can I help?
A; We do not have a sanctuary/centre for the public to visit, we are all volunteers who foster from our own homes so there are no opportunities for volunteers to lend a hand with our rescues.
However, we have a shop that always needs regular help, also we always need more foster home. Sometimes we need help with trap neuter release programs, so if you have any experience, please get in touch.
Q; Do you put animals to sleep?
A; Only if they are dying and euthanasia will prevent unnecessary suffering. We do not routinely put animals to sleep for any other reason.
Q; How do I make a donation?
A; You can make donations of all kinds at our charity shop, send donations via the post to either our secretary or treasurer (please call or email them for their addresses) via bank transfer or paypal (use friends and family option please)
Q; I can’t afford my vets bill, can you help?
A; Our funds are not unlimited, which means we are not able to pay the vets bills for owned animals. We do occasionally help with the cost of neutering but there are other charities out there with funding specifically for neutering. Many vets offer payment options, and the pdsa will treat animals who’s owners qualify.