1st Jan 2024
Tetley is a beautiful, ginger and white, neutered male kitten, being fostered in Tipton, West Mids, he was born 1 of 9 kittens on or around August 15th.
He and his siblings didn’t get the best start in life, fortunately they all came into rescue with their lovely mum Tabitha, when they were 2-3 weeks of age, and have been given the very best of everything ever since.
Tetley does have a small heart murmur but we are hopeful that it will resolve itself as he grows.
Tetley could be homed as an only pet (if there is someone around for the majority of the day) but would also enjoy the company of another kind family pet or he could be homed with one of his siblings.
These babies have not experienced outdoor life yet, so could live as totally indoor cats so long as there is plenty of stimulation within the home.