14th Jan 2024
King is a very large, very fluffy, all black, neutered male cat, being fostered in Tipton, West Mids. We guess he might be around 3-4 yrs of age.
He is one of several cats we have helped from a local street, where cats have been left un-neutered and allowed to breed unchecked.
King has definitely lived in a home before, he is good natured and confident around people and is also living peaceably with his brother Kole, here in rescue.
King was neutered a few weeks ago so his hormones have settled down now and there is no “tom cat” smell to him at all. He seems happy to be groomed and will give gentle kisses too, he has on just one occasion, grabbed the back of my boots as I walked away from him. For this reason we will not be homing him with young children or vulnerable older people.
King could be homed along with his brother Kole, should anyone be looking for a pair of cats.